We are happy to quote for any project however small and confident that our rates are not only great value for money but very competitive!
Just contact us with your requirements and we will get back to you within 1 business day.
By The Hour
This option may be suitable for clients whose needs are infrequent or who require only a few hours at a time. Standard hourly rates depend on the services required. From general secretarial or word processing tasks, to tasks requiring advanced computer skills, such as building customised Microsoft Access databases, complex desktop publishing projects, websites .
We charge a very reasonable rate of just £18.00 per hour for basic admin and services, specialised services are priced as per consultation page.
An estimate will be provided, but the final price may go up (or down) as work progresses. The client is only charged for the actual time spent on the task, there is a minimum of £10.00 for individual one off items. If however, the item goes over 15 mins, the charge will be for a full hour of £13.00.
Any additional time spent on the task will be billed in quarter-hour increments.
Event Management
All events/party management, help are quoted on a per job basis. please see consultation page for full details.
Professional Compliance Consultations
Please see Consulting page for full details.
Decoration / Entertainment
This might simply be about a few simple touches. Or you might want to look into a full AV and light show. Our suppliers are equipped to handle whatever may be required.
We also do small private events and can provide a wide range of favours, incentives, and gifts for all occasions. Contact us for details.
Web Site Design & Creation
These are quoted per job
Online Business Card [1 page] from £80.00
Basic 2 page site from £150.00
Starter site from £250.00
Small Business from £450.00
Re-Design existing site from £180.00
SEO [Search engine Optimisation] £20.00 per page
Contact/Enquiry Form £40.00
Location Map £40.00
Image Gallery £55.00
All the above is included with Small Business Sites and Start up Sites.
Please contact us to discuss your requirements, 1 hour free consultation, no obligtion.
A deposit of 50% is required on all jobs.
Payment Methods
Once work is completed, an invoice will be issued, payment is usually on receipt of invoice. we can if arranged consider payments over a period agreed by both parties in writing. (terms of 5 working days).
Invoices can be settled via cheque, pay-pal, cash or bank transfer
(bank account details will be supplied on invoice).